LED - A Line-Oriented Text Editor
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Story time.
I was reading @gavinhaslehurst's post about implementing floating point numbers based on an article in COMPUTE! magazine. So, I headed over to archive.org and looked up that issue and read the article. Then I flipped through the rest of the issue. On page 16, there was this program, LED - A Line-Oriented Text Editor, written by Arnie Lee of Abacus Software, in BASIC, for the Commodore PET (also mentioned is an APPLE II version, but I didn't see that listing in there).
So, I typed it in and ran it under VICE. Works on the PET, works on the C-64, works on the C-128.... works on the X-16!
The only changes from the original is to comment out the 2 POKEs to disable/enable RUN/STOP and changed the line-endings from CHR$(255) to CHR$(10) so the files would have regular UNIX-style newlines ending the lines.
Is it useful? Debatable.
Is it retro? For sure.
COMPUTE! Magazine
February 1981
Issue 9
Vol. 3, No. 2
Page 16.