New upload: IRClock

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New upload: IRClock

Post by JimmyDansbo »


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IRClock shows a digital clock in the upper right corner of the screen. This way it is possible to keep an eye on the clock even while being productive on the Commander X16.

The program copies it self into golden RAM, starting at $0400 and takes up a total of 195 bytes. After initialization, the program does not need any of the memory usually used for BASIC and can be overwritten.

When the program is running, the current hour, minute and second can be poked into addresses $400, $401 and $402 respectively.

The values must be BCD encoded which essentially means, just poke them in as hexadecimal values i.e. 11:04 would be poke'd in like this:


POKE $400,$11

POKE $401,$04

Result is immediately visible.

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