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Hello from Southern Colorado!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 4:08 pm
by Exabyte

Hello hello! I'm Zack, or.. Exabyte rather. 

I've been watching these guys for years now, it's really rather thrilling to find out that I could actually directly collaborate with them rather than being a little ol' viewer. Not that that's bad or anything! I'll see you guys around the board ? 

During my stay here, I do hope to learn the languages that go into the X-16. Game programming has always been something I've aspired to do but never found my niche. I think I've found it now, but only time will tell. 



Hello from Southern Colorado!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 6:30 pm
by Perifractic

You're very welcome here @Exabyte! Thanks for being a tester.