GRAPHing Fun (quadratic)

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GRAPHing Fun (quadratic)

Post by Xiphod »

BASLOAD example for plotting a function (Quadratic Formula in this case).

Code is setup to center and plot like a graphing calculator. Default scale x10 (one line change to adjust to x1, x4, etc.).

For the A, B, C inputs try ranges between -2 to +2 (larger values not prohibited, just may take a while to draw - if it gets stuck, can press ESC to abort the current plot). Also try decimal values (like 0.2, 0.5, etc.).

Of course, these days all the young kids are using
So 30 years of progress, from 1980 grx like this to an interactive online math-plot machine (c. 2011).

EDIT: Few updates from the original were made, cleanup mods.
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