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DEV case upgrade kit notes

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 8:30 am
by Xiphod
Of the original ~109 DEV boards, I'm not sure how many of those also ordered Lazer3D cases. A couple early Lazer3D cases that I got were between number 31 and 41, and I think I ordered a bit late (not long before those pre-orders closed). So maybe only about half of the original DEV board users ordered cases?

Or, if you didn't get a DEV board at all, you could still order a Lazer3D case in anticipation of getting an X16 board eventually. But as it's turned out, some minor alternations to the case were made after what was available to those original DEV boards.

Attached is a comparison of what that "case upgrade kit" includes, but comparing the original back at the top, and the upgraded back at the bottom (and also the replacement side piece with the cartridge slot). Also, the "official board" (PR production) I don't think is available in black, so I'm very thankful they still offered the upgrade kit in black to accommodate the original case release options.

Re: DEV case upgrade kit notes

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:05 pm
by Xiphod
Also while speaking of case related things: for anyone making cases and including switches/buttons, here is a "tidy solution" for buttons in the corner. Long cables end up covering both the serial number and the I2C pins in that corner.
X16buttons.jpg (213.8 KiB) Viewed 1753 times