Sierpinski Triangle written in BASIC

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Sierpinski Triangle written in BASIC

Post by NuVista175 »

At last!! The possibility to do pset ?

Just started with Commander X16 emulator today and it brings back a lot of good memories from my time with my old "bread box". I did a similar program on my old C64 back in the days but I can't remember all the POKEs and PEEKs necessary to do this in BASIC on the Commodore 64, but with this machine it's actually possible in just a few lines. 

Just updated the calculation for new X and Y-coordinates on screen. I figure it should be quicker to first add them together and then divide by 2 rather than before. At least it's less code.


Sierpinski Triangle written in BASIC
Sierpinski Triangle written in BASIC
sier.png (36.97 KiB) Viewed 442 times
Sierpinski Triangle written in BASIC
(521 Bytes) Downloaded 107 times
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