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Your Top10 fav 8bit / 16bit games?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:59 pm
by Matej

Place for Your TOP10 old games all platforms (8bit/16bit/32bit). Choose one You want play on Commander X16.

1. Zybex 2 (a800)

2. Draconus (a800)

3. Ninja Master (ST)

4. Superfrog (A1200)

5. Another World (Amiga)

6. Flashback (Amiga)

7. Dune2 (MSDOS)

8. River Raid (a2600)

9. Turrican (C64)

10. Last Ninja (C64)

Want play Turrican like platformer on Commander X16.

Your Top10 fav 8bit / 16bit games?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:34 pm
by Doigt

I don't think I have a top 10. The games I love, I love them equally.

However I have two favourites, which I consider to be the same game. I have spent my early teenage years playing the first and second Civilization games on DOS. An aunt had shown me the game on one of the rare occasions we were visiting and I got addicted. But, who couldn't get addicted to that game? The way it was made, you'd finish your turn, but then you'd anxiously wait for the effects of that turn, and then the next turn came and you'd want to do more, look forward to what would happen. It was always just one more turn. Just one more. How can that go wrong? Well, whens it's the middle of the night and there's school the next day, you know you screwed up, but it was SO worth it! I spent an ungodly amount of time on that one game. Never been good at it though. It's just that good. Never ever tried the other civs, because even today it's still plenty addictive fun.

My favourite game on the NES is Tetris, but only because I love to watch people playing it at competitive events like the CTWC.

Your Top10 fav 8bit / 16bit games?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 5:56 pm
by Ender

Probably the game I played the most on my C64/128 when I was a kid was "Super Mario" which was actually just a reskinned Great Giana Sisters.  I had no idea it wasn't actually Super Mario back then haha.


Your Top10 fav 8bit / 16bit games?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:48 pm
by Fenner Machine

That’s going to be difficult.

Some games are easy picks, but some I liked at the time I probably wouldn’t play again now.

I know as I’ve tried. So I’ll do a top 10 with variety, and not necessarily in order.


1. Panzer Dragoon Saga (Sega Saturn)

2. Sonic The Hedgehog 1,2,3 (Mega Drive)

3. The Settlers 2 (DOS/Win95)

4. Batman: The Movie (C64)

5. Road Rash 2 (Mega Drive)

6. Thunder Force 4 (Mega Drive)

7. Daytona USA (Sega Saturn)

8. Nightbreed (C64)

9. Orion (1988, Hewson) (C64)

10. Outrun (Sega Saturn)


Want to play a 2D remake of Panzer Dragoon Saga on Commander X16.

Emphasis on amazing graphics, even if there are loading times. The Saturn had brief loading times for various transitions.

Your Top10 fav 8bit / 16bit games?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 10:02 pm
by Jeff Pare

8-bit games that I actually played at home in the late 70s or early to mid 80s - I don't count games I played on emulators decades later:

Pong (Telstar Deluxe)

Omega Race (Vic-20)

Centipede (Vic-20 version, clone)

Breakout (Apple //e)

Stellar 7 (Apple //e)

Mario's Bros (Apple //e)

Lode Runner (Apple //e)

Ultima I to III (Apple //e)

Sargon II (Apple //e)

Moon Patrol (Apple //e)


Your Top10 fav 8bit / 16bit games?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 12:00 am
by John Chow Seymour

In roughly chronological order:

Adventure (Atari 2600)

Joust (Atari 2600)

Missile Command (Atari 2600)

Wizard of Wor (Atari 2600)

Lode Runner (Apple ][ )

Bubble Bobble (NES)

Dr. Mario (NES, others)

Ultima IV (I only ever played the NES version - I learned later it was butchered compared to the original version)

Secret of Mana (SNES, mostly for the music tbh, the game is kind of a slog)

F-Zero (SNES)

I'll bet the X16 could run a really smooth version of Missle Command (not that we'd have the rights to make it - just wishful thinking).

I'm sure after I hit "Submit Reply" I'll remember half a dozen more great games from that era. 

Your Top10 fav 8bit / 16bit games?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:39 am
by EMwhite

The first 3 are in chronological order:

Invaders on South Ocean Ave. Middle School's single Pet computer

Choplifter (original on Apple II)

Piryana on my C64, probably the first game I bought (just because it was so early; a rip of of PACMAN, loaded from cassette tape)

The rest (next 7) are C64 games that I spent a fair amount of time with, not necessarily ranked:



Summer Games

Winter Games

Space Taxi


Bruce Lee

Anything Electronic Arts or Epyx or Synapse or Broderbund made were super high quality.  EA developers were rock stars of the day;  Today's College kids playing EA Sports games have no idea where the company started with titles such as Pinball (or was it Racing) Construction/Destruction set and non-game titles such as Print Shop.  They really made amazing and mature software.

Your Top10 fav 8bit / 16bit games?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:45 pm
by Strider

It's rough trying to narrow it down to just 10 games, but these are some that always stick out in my mind as games that truly had an impact on my childhood. Games that I greatly enjoyed, and still play to this day, in no particular order.

Strider Series (NES/Genesis/Arcade) - Where my online name comes from.

Castlevania Series (NES/DOS/SNES/Genesis/PS1)

Metal Gear (NES) - The original was my favorite.

Final Fantasy VII (PS1) - This is by far my favorite in the series.

Command & Conquer Series (DOS/PC)

Maniac Mansion (C64/NES/PC)

Contra Series (NES/SNES/Genesis/PC)

Pitfall (Atari)

Super Mario Bros. Series (NES/SNES/N64)

Twisted Metal Series (PS1/PC)

Honorable Mention: Asteroids (Atari/Arcade) - I played this game a LOT as a kid, especially in the local arcade and skate rink. Those were the days!

Personally, I would like to see some sort of Castlevania style game on the X16, failing that, a new spin on Pitfall would be cool. :)

Your Top10 fav 8bit / 16bit games?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:42 am
by rje

I've got nine.


--- 8 bit ---


7 Cities of Gold

Below the Root

Bruce Lee

Earth Orbit Stations (or, perhaps, Project Space Station)


Ultima IV

--- 16 bit ---

Space Hulk



Your Top10 fav 8bit / 16bit games?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 4:18 am
by Strider

How could I NOT have Doom on my list? I was thinking too much console and not enough PC. lol

C&C creeped into my list becasue I have been playing it a lot lately, and back when it was new, I was the only one of my friends who owned a DOS machine. It wasn't until it came out on PS1 that I got to play it with friends via the link cable. ?

Doom and C&C are the two DOS/Windows games that defined PC gaming for me. I still love playing Doom via source ports and the Command and Conquer Remastered on Steam is really nicely done!