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GIMP edit from a Matriculate 1.0.0 screenshot

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 2:23 am
by Dee Bellwether



title says most of what i'd have to say. i am an artist interested in coding and the X16, and 8 bit color design environments in general. 

this is my first attempt at messing with PETSCII, though it is NOT designed with the X16 or in actual 256 mode. its made in GIMP on a modern system, using only the sample and a stock pattern i modified.

i don't want to go on at length, as i'm new here, and am no accomplished coder or expert. 

its posted on my Deviant Art, where this image's description links to the X16 project. 

i'm not sure if its considered solicitation to post the link to my DA, so i'll err on the side of safety and only give it if its requested and that's allowed. 

i give full permission to use and distribute this image. no removing my hashtag/signature please. 

[1920 x 1080 for desktop background]


GIMP edit from a Matriculate 1.0.0 screenshot

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 11:19 pm
by kelli217

So... what is PETSCHII, then? I am aware of PETSCII, of course.

GIMP edit from a Matriculate 1.0.0 screenshot

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 5:49 am
by Dee Bellwether

lol thanks

GIMP edit from a Matriculate 1.0.0 screenshot

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 5:55 am
by Dee Bellwether

'course we could just decide that modified or corrupted looking PETSCI is PESCHI, kind like PETSCII-ish.


in general i try to find ways to incorporate error into design. it can add an organic pattern reminiscent character to the work. 

GIMP edit from a Matriculate 1.0.0 screenshot

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:51 am
by Dee Bellwether

ended up designing an alt. i've been into inversion versions lately. 


this was mostly achieved using a linear invert, and then a few adjustments. i find a lot of my current designs are very bright, so the inversions often work better as a background for most users. 

GIMP edit from a Matriculate 1.0.0 screenshot

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 6:17 am
by Tatwi

Uneducated sloth here... What are we looking at?


GIMP edit from a Matriculate 1.0.0 screenshot

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 4:56 pm
by Dee Bellwether

sorry to be lazy, but this page has a decent breakdown:

GIMP edit from a Matriculate 1.0.0 screenshot

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 10:58 pm
by Jestin

I think this is the opposite of what I've been doing ?

If you ever want images to start in GIMP and end up on the X16, I have you covered:

GIMP edit from a Matriculate 1.0.0 screenshot

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 4:33 pm
by Dee Bellwether

On 10/20/2022 at 6:58 PM, Jestin said:

If you ever want images to start in GIMP and end up on the X16, I have you covered:


while i never have a singular objective in mind when i create or work, i work with a manner of focused parameter of objectives.

part of this constellation is INDEED to start in GIMP and other editors that can be used to create pixel by pixel (or even by other methods THROUGH other editors to be converted to pixels,) to end up on projects for the X16. honestly i have never been this motivated to create for a system before, up until now, its always been a "if I were designing it, i'd do this," commenting as a conscious tech user/gamer/art appreciator, but i'd not previously found enough motivation to actually move into working on it. 

i would very much love to get any advise or pointers regarding this. i am new(ish) to coding. a tiny bit of BASIC in highschool, and a bit of web 2.0 stuff in college, but it wasn't feasibly something i could advance in, due to factors in my life, the previous cost of tech access, and honestly i feel the processing speeds were not up to matching my creative process (we're talking 20-25 years ago, so that's significant, especially when it comes to creating graphics and visuals.)

kinda hedging around the X16 project in my work. i just found out about it in the last week. as soon as a few of my current short term goals are met, i gotta hit memorizing the BASIC commands, and see if i can master that BASIC literacy term test app i saw on the X16 download section.

here are a few examples of tile patterns i made. the tiles are 16x16 px and use the Commodore Basic V2 16 color palette.

i am 99% likely to release all my tiles for free use (though i'd LOVE credit.) today i think i want to see what i can do in 4 color mode.

i find design restriction stimulating af. necessity breeds horrors and beauty in my experience. 

bonus: an example of something cool i made using a few of the patterns as a fill.



