New game uploaded: X16&C64 Keywords & Abbreviations Quiz

All aspects of programming on the Commander X16.
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New game uploaded: X16&C64 Keywords & Abbreviations Quiz

Post by mobluse »

X16&C64 Keywords & Abbreviations Quiz

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This game quizzes the player about the abbreviations for the Commander X16 BASIC v2 keywords. If you know these abbreviations you can code BASIC for X16 and C64 faster and write more code per line. First the program figures out the keywords and abbreviations for the exact release of the ROM. Then you are offered the quiz. The quiz is timed and the errors are counted. If you give the wrong answer you get that question again directly.

C64 mode: You can stop the program by pressing Esc or Ctrl+C before the quiz, then type SCREEN 1:RUN 64 and press Enter to only be quizzed for C64 keywords. 
Try It Now!!
The game X16&C64 Keywords&Abbreviations has been tested with R38, R41 and R42 (Try it now), but may work with later releases. The program is FOSS (license GPLv3) and the source is included in the zip-file, but is also on GitHub:

Command line:

Code: Select all

x16emu -bas KEYWORDSABBR.BAS -run -echo
By using -echo you can copy the generated program and load it in x16emu and check that the abbreviations really expand correctly.

Submitter: mobluse

Submitted: 06/07/22
Updated: 04/06/23

Category: Games

#R38 #R41 #R42
X16&C64 Keywords & Abbreviations Quiz by mobluse
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