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Surfacing the Documentation at the Top Level

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 9:50 pm
by Alfa

Really like the site, but one thing I found  when I first came to is that it is difficult to find the documentation. I think it really improve it to have a link to the documentation page on home screen.  At least on top navigation or under support.  It seems really counter intuitive to have such important information buried in the downloads sections.   First off, the documentation is not really directly downloadable.  It's just a link to a the github site where it renders as a web page.   I know the documentation is really early, but it's still a great place to start and should be easily discoverable. 

Surfacing the Documentation at the Top Level

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 1:26 am
by Perifractic

Thanks for your feedback. I've thought about this a lot. Firstly, we will have official spiral bound user guides & a PDF. Ultimately, they will be a "download" not just GitHub link.

Secondly, it's a balance of not adding too much text to the menu bar. The less options, the more likely people are to find what they want rather than feel overwhelmed. It sounds silly, but it's design 101 as I'm sure you know.

So the thinking is, surely the average user thinks "I want to download the docs, where would that be?" Downloads! It's 2 clicks from the homepage: Downloads > Official docs - boom, you're there. What you're saying is they're not a download, and you're right, but you didn't know that until you got there - and you did get there. ?

If others disagree I'm happy to revisit adding "Docs" to the menu bar. For now, as this is the first request and it didn't come up during beta, I think we should hold fire. I believe the docs are in the right place. But never say never...

Surfacing the Documentation at the Top Level

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 1:08 pm
by BruceMcF

I didn't know the docs could be found here until I saw this discussion ... I looked in Support and they weren't there, so I went to GitHub.

They are kind of referred to in the FAQ, though the section on the docs is well down the FAQ, so without the classical FAQ index of questions, it might not be obvious that the FAQ mentions docs.

Surfacing the Documentation at the Top Level

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 4:20 pm
by Perifractic
I didn't know the docs could be found here until I saw this discussion ... I looked in Support and they weren't there, so I went to GitHub. They are kind of referred to in the FAQ, though the section on the docs is well down the FAQ, so without the classical FAQ index of questions, it might not be obvious that the FAQ mentions docs.
Hmm. Maybe they should be linked to in Support too. That's easy enough, without adding clutter to the menus.  Edit: Done. I think that's a good compromise.