hexes game update
Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 2:11 pm
Hi all,
I'm going to have to come up with a title for this project sooner rather than later....
Made good headway on coding up the different hex graphics on layer 1. I've done 8 different terrain types so far (sea, lake, beach, scrubs, meadow, pasture, orchard and cave) - there'll be 32 different types in the finished game. Pixel graphics is not one of my strong points, but hopefully it should be obvious which is which!
I've finished the hex terrain text descriptions and written and debugged the scrolling routine that scrolls the message window as you move from tile to tile. It counts lines scrolled and if there's more than a window's worth of text to scroll all at once, it brings up a "Scroll..." prompt and waits for the user to press the enter key before continuing to scroll. The assembly for it runs so blinking fast, I had to write a delay subroutine that gets called inbetween each character being drawn so you can actually see the text scrolling, otherwise it looks like all the text just appears on the screen at the same time.
(ignore the drawing glitch going on at the far left hand edge of the hex window, next thing on my list of things to fix!)
Suddenly it's beginning to look more like an actual game now! ?
ta ta for now