Emulator r40 Released

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Edmond D
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Emulator r40 Released

Post by Edmond D »

Thanks for the next rev of the emulator. I'm surprised at the size differences based on the platform (I hadn't noticed it before.) Any comments on why the wide difference?
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Emulator r40 Released

Post by Stefan »

As with R39, I get this error when launching R40 on my Mac (Catalina 10.15):

dyld: Symbol not found: _GCHapticDurationInfinite

However, works fine if I clone and build myself.

Did not break X16 Edit from R39 in any way that in any way I can see quickly.

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Emulator r40 Released

Post by Jestin »

Nice work!  I've been wondering for a while how badly I've been abusing the ability to load content quickly on the emulator, afraid that the load times would be too disruptive on actual hardware.  I still don't know what the actual time difference will be, but this update at least makes it clear that calling LOAD isn't free.  I'll have to make sure to turn my layers off as I'm loading the maps and tiles, but I suspected I'd have to do that eventually.

Michael Steil
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Emulator r40 Released

Post by Michael Steil »

On 4/29/2022 at 4:56 PM, Jestin said:

I've been wondering for a while how badly I've been abusing the ability to load content quickly on the emulator, afraid that the load times would be too disruptive on actual hardware.  I still don't know what the actual time difference will be, but this update at least makes it clear that calling LOAD isn't free.  I'll have to make sure to turn my layers off as I'm loading the maps and tiles, but I suspected I'd have to do that eventually.

In the emulator, loading from SD card is very close to the speed on actual hardware. Loading from the host fs is faster, but since r40 at least not instantaneous.

Michael Steil
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Emulator r40 Released

Post by Michael Steil »

On 4/29/2022 at 4:38 PM, Edmond D said:

Thanks for the next rev of the emulator. I'm surprised at the size differences based on the platform (I hadn't noticed it before.) Any comments on why the wide difference?

  • x16emu for Linux uses the system's SDL (you may have to install it first)

  • x16emu for macOS links SDL statically (only the parts that are used are included)

  • x16emu for Windows ships with a version of the SDL DLL (i.e. all of SDL)

Michael Steil
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Emulator r40 Released

Post by Michael Steil »

On 4/29/2022 at 4:51 PM, Stefan said:

As with R39, I get this error when launching R40 on my Mac (Catalina 10.15):

dyld: Symbol not found: _GCHapticDurationInfinite

However, works fine if I clone and build myself.

Can you test this version of your Catalina machine? http://pagetable.com/docs/tmp/x16emu_mac_TEST_CATALINA.zip

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Emulator r40 Released

Post by SlithyMatt »

On 4/29/2022 at 10:38 AM, Edmond D said:

Thanks for the next rev of the emulator. I'm surprised at the size differences based on the platform (I hadn't noticed it before.) Any comments on why the wide difference?

Easy: Linux > MacOS > Windows

Ergo: the size of the package is inversely proportional to the quality of the OS

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Emulator r40 Released

Post by desertfish »

In all seriousness, the Linux build simply uses the system-installed SDL2 library while the Windows build has to include that dll.  

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Emulator r40 Released

Post by kelli217 »

The RTC is working but the TI$ and DA$ hooks into the RTC are still a work in progress, eh?

I obsess a little bit about timekeeping because the most significant application I ever wrote was an alarm clock for my C64. ? 

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