r39 patched Kernal to fix LOAD into HiRAM functionality
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2021 5:37 am
One of the annoying things about using SD card mode is that LOAD fails when loading into banked RAM.
As many know, when using the emulator without an SD image, it performs a hyperload directly into memory w/o emulating the actual file transfer. It does this by skipping the kernal routine entirely. When using SD card images, the Kernal runs as normal.
Using hyperload, you can issue a command to BASIC like this:
LOAD "MYFILE",8,3,$A000
This loads MYFILE into bank 3 of Hi Ram, and it is automatically continued into banks 4,5,6... as necessary. This operation fails when using Kernal (SD card attached). The same works/fails conditions apply when calling SETNAM,SETLFS,LOAD from within programs.
I got really really tired of this, so I decided to fix it in the Kernal. As I'm not a code god, I'd like to see if anyone experiences any instabilities or crashes with it before I do a pull request to include the fix on the main repo. The ROM image is attached below. Use it with emulator R39 or Box16. It will not work in R38.
I tested the performance with my additional code and the impact is negligible. I haven't checked what the return values look like after a LOAD into Hi RAM. The Kernal's output message gives the memory address where the load finished, and the final bank remains active, so I presume the return values in X/Y are similar. There's not much space available in the ROM so I'm trying to keep from adding too much to it.
Let me know if you experience any crashes with it that don't happen using the current repo version of R39.
EDIT: Dec 05, 21:17 UTC (3:17pm Central time): Updated the attached ROM to fix a bug reported by @desertfish
UPDATE - I've re-done the patch with a much smaller code size, saving over 60 bytes vs. my previous patch. The new one is MUCH easier code to read and follow, and it's only slightly slower. For a 96KB file I'm testing with, the previous patch took 60 jiffies (frames) to load, while the new routine took 63 jiffies. This speed penalty only happens on loads into banked memory, so I call that a win. I have updated the file here again.
If you downloaded the previous ones, then I recommend that you re-download this one, as it's the one I'm using for the pull request into the Kernal repo.