New demo uploaded: CELESTEMAP.PRG

All aspects of programming on the Commander X16.
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New demo uploaded: CELESTEMAP.PRG

Post by CX16UserSteveC »


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I've been investigating the feasibility of using fantasy console development environments to develop new fantasy-console-style video games for the Commander X16 and also to potentially port existing fantasy console video games to the Commander X16. I've primarily been investigating the PICO-8 and TIC-80 fantasy consoles (see and ), but there are a variety of fantasy consoles/computers (see This Commander X16 demo repetitively cycles through sequential display of the PICO-8 color palette, sprite sheet, and 16 screens of the map that I imported from the PICO-8 CELESTE video game by Matt Thorson and Noel Berry which was the initial basis for their computer/console version (see

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