Hello there.
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:22 pm
Figured I should break the glass here. Hi, I go by Julien Savard on the FB group, I'm also known as juju2143 or Yuki elsewhere. I'm from Québec City, Canada, I usually work as a web developer and I run a few forums and communities as well, so I'm very knowledgeable about that if you need some help.
The only piece of software I released on the X16 so far was pretty much the X16 BBS server software I wrote in Node.js, but I hope to do more on my free time eventually.
I own a Commodore 64, but I don't have the cable to plug it to my 1541, or any means to transfer software on it yet.
So... cheers, y'all. Hoping to a great community on here as well.