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New demo uploaded: x16-spiral
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:21 am
by StephenHorn
New demo uploaded: x16-spiral
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:31 am
by StephenHorn
Can't tell if the web emulator is successfully loading the .seq files that this depends on, but I'm guessing not because this definitely runs better on when you unpack the files into the emulator directory and run it locally. ?
New demo uploaded: x16-spiral
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:12 am
by Perifractic
New demo uploaded: x16-spiral
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:13 am
by Main Administrator
.seq files are being loaded now, they weren't whitelisted before (gotta take security seriously). Still doesn't seem to do any spiral movements though. Is the latest version of the emulator needed for it to work?
New demo uploaded: x16-spiral
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 11:19 am
by StephenHorn
I tested it on vanilla r37 by unpacking the r37 zip into a folder, unpacking my zip into that folder, then running the emulator, doing LOAD"X16-SPIRAL.PRG" and then RUN. Since it doesn't depend on any particular bugs (or bugfixes) or optimizations, it should work just fine on the r37-optimizations branch as well. Is there any way to open the emulator's debugger so the program can be stepped through and memory inspected?
New demo uploaded: x16-spiral
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:43 pm
by Main Administrator
I'm pretty sure the emulator on this site was already the latest version, but I've updated it with a fresh download, just to be sure. Same as before, so it seems to be an issue with the web version.
New demo uploaded: x16-spiral
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:48 pm
by SebastianVoges
1 hour ago, StephenHorn said:
I tested it on vanilla r37 by unpacking the r37 zip into a folder, unpacking my zip into that folder, then running the emulator, doing LOAD"X16-SPIRAL.PRG" and then RUN. Since it doesn't depend on any particular bugs (or bugfixes) or optimizations, it should work just fine on the r37-optimizations branch as well. Is there any way to open the emulator's debugger so the program can be stepped through and memory inspected?
That's something I can add to the web emulator. Would that be accomplished by passing '-debug' to the emulator during startup, or would anything additional need to be done ?
For testing you could bring up the javascript console, go to the main.js sources and put a breakpoint on line 67 ( after var emuArguments are defined. then reload (f5 or reload icon the page) Once it breaks, you could paste "emuArguments.push('-debug')" into the javascript console window and then continue execution. I will run the emulator with out the optimizations, and see if it's related to those.
New demo uploaded: x16-spiral
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:04 pm
by SebastianVoges
is there a chance it could be lower/case uppercase related to the assets that need to be loaded? i see in the source it uses "GRAPHICS_TABLES.SEQ" but the assets itself and the manifest is lower case 'graphics_tables.seq'
New demo uploaded: x16-spiral
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:32 pm
by SebastianVoges
25 minutes ago, SebastianVoges said:
is there a chance it could be lower/case uppercase related to the assets that need to be loaded? i see in the source it uses "GRAPHICS_TABLES.SEQ" but the assets itself and the manifest is lower case 'graphics_tables.seq'
That seems to be it, I renamed the assets to uppercase names and updated the manifest. and it's working now for me in the web emulator.
New demo uploaded: x16-spiral
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:23 pm
by Main Administrator
Oh, that's interesting. I'll change the code on our end so that it makes everything (manifest and filenames) uppercase, that should account for the problem in the future.