6809 instead of the 6502
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 10:54 pm
On 6/15/2022 at 8:09 AM, Moto Rola said:
I found a few 65C816-based projects on YT and also googling around another few SBC designs. So probably that multiplexing can be managed somehow, I suppose?
Since the Super NES used a processor from a maker that licensed the 65C816 core, and the Apple IIgs used the 65816, one presumes it can be managed.
AFAIU, the original CX16 design was intending to rely on a CPLD to handle it, and I would guess that the 64K memory map implemented with classical glue logic would appeal much more to Dave ... and it is, after all, Dave's dream computer, not mine!