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WASD Keyboard

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 2:00 pm
by rje

An update on the WASD keyboard:  I love it, and I didn't expect to.


For 17 years I've loved my Topre-switched "Happy Hacker II" keyboard... and I still love its layout.

But then I bought the WASD this year, and used it as my primary keyboard, WFH and home use.  The Happy Hacker II is my backup, plugged into the same computer, under the auxiliary monitor.

It took maybe a month to get used to the feel, and now I prefer it.  Now, the Topre keys feel mushy, whereas before I didn't notice.  I increasingly prefer the crisp precision of the mechanical switches now.  I am officially spoiled.




When David mentions a Kickstarter he's using the word in the generic sense, meaning "crowdfunding". 

I think that's a good thing -- Kickstarter is okay, but if you don't need it, then don't use it.



WASD Keyboard

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 2:03 pm
by Fnord42

@rje Which kind of switches did you choose?

WASD Keyboard

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:52 pm
by SerErris

1 hour ago, rje said:

An update on the WASD keyboard:  I love it, and I didn't expect to.

Which one did you get? The X16 one or a full features 104 keys version?

WASD Keyboard

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 5:25 pm
by rje

1 hour ago, SerErris said:

Which one did you get? The X16 one or a full features 104 keys version?

I got the X16 one with MX Clear switches.


WASD Keyboard

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 2:59 pm
by Fnord42

I noticed that some of the keys on the WASD keyboard don't work in the emulator. For example "40/80 DISPLAY" or "RUN/STOP".

I assume this is a shortcoming of the emulator and they will work on the real X16, right?

When we have a RUN/STOP key, will ESC continue to work as a substitute for RUN/STOP? What about Ctrl-C? And F4 vs 40/80 DISPLAY?

(I'm not really sure what I would prefer, but maybe it's already decided - I'm curious.)

Also, I seem to remember that someone said that the RESTORE key will not be used, is that correct?

WASD Keyboard

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:55 pm
by Perifractic
The keys will 100% work on the real machine. I'll let Michael answer about the emulator.

If you're using a 3rd party keyboard at that time for some reason, whatever key on your keyboard is in the position that our keys like RUN/STOP are in, will perform that function.

WASD Keyboard

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:37 pm
by TomXP411

On 10/12/2020 at 7:59 AM, Fnord42 said:

will ESC continue to work as a substitute for RUN/STOP?

I really hope not. ESC is not the "break" function on any other computer system I'm aware of, and the ESC key does serve a critical UI function (close dialogs or go back to a higher level menu). 

On 10/12/2020 at 7:59 AM, Fnord42 said:

I seem to remember that someone said that the RESTORE key will not be used, is that correct?

RESTORE on the Commodore VIC-20 and 64 worked because it was wired to the NMI pin on the CPU. So it has the ability to bypass the keyboard input subroutine and can trigger a warm boot (or perform any other function) even if the computer is crashed - so long as the NMI handler is not trashed. This is impossible with the PS/2 keyboard, because none of the keys is directly wired to a pin like that. So last I saw, the CX16 prototype was fitted with an NMI button, but it would be on the front panel of the computer, not the keyboard.

On 10/12/2020 at 7:59 AM, Fnord42 said:

What about Ctrl-C? And F4 vs 40/80 DISPLAY?

Bear in mind that I'm just an observer, but I expect that as the KERNAL matures, the current workaround key sequences will be removed and the dedicated keys will be introduced. So F4 will serve another purpose, and Control-C will stop acting as the break key.

Bear in mind, however, that the three keys used for RESTORE, 40/80, and RUN/STOP are special keys on PCs and not included on all keyboards any more. RESTORE is the Print Screen key, 40/80 is Scroll Lock, and Run/Stop is actually the Break key on a PC keyboard. So if the emulator switches to using those keys (rather than the current stopgap functions), some users may not be able to access them. 

WASD Keyboard

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 11:14 pm
by EMwhite

$195 is not too high a price to pay considering what people pay for mech kbds these days.  I probably spent upwards of that for a keyboard project of my own across a few bespoke purchases; $65 to Mouser for misc. components and 75 Cherry Black (low budget, yes) switches, $28 for a keyboard PCB, $25 for low-budget keycaps from China, $87 for too-fancy key decals and now I have to make a case.

Will it be worth it?  Maybe.  Is this WASD worth it (to me).  Yup!  But I don't have the $$ at the moment either, so this will wait until my November discretionary funds roll in; until then, it's baked beans out of a can for lunch.


WASD Keyboard

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:30 am
by Perifractic
And just for the record currently we have both reset and nmi pins on the motherboard and one button on the front of the case which you can choose to connect to either of those pins depending on your preferred option. And the power button separately of course.

WASD Keyboard

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 5:58 am
by TomXP411

6 hours ago, EMwhite said:

$195 is not too high a price to pay considering what people pay for mech kbds these days.  I probably spent upwards of that for a keyboard project of my own across a few bespoke purchases; $65 to Mouser for misc. components and 75 Cherry Black (low budget, yes) switches, $28 for a keyboard PCB, $25 for low-budget keycaps from China, $87 for too-fancy key decals and now I have to make a case.

Will it be worth it?  Maybe.  Is this WASD worth it (to me).  Yup!  But I don't have the $$ at the moment either, so this will wait until my November discretionary funds roll in; until then, it's baked beans out of a can for lunch.

I've been making that same point, but when I went back and looked at mechanical keyboards the other day, I was seeing basic mechanical keyboard prices at around $50-100. 

A couple of years ago, $200 was the price for a quality keyboard, but with everyone and their brother getting into the game now, that price is definitely coming down.

If WASD can still sell keyboards at $200, then great for them, but I have a feeling they're going to have a hard time holding that price point for much longer.