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Re: Norton Commander for x16

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:55 am
by unartic
Good to hear there is a solution :-)

Maybe a good idea to post on the forum which snes controllers you purchased didn’t work with x16, so others can be aware.

Re: Norton Commander for x16

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 2:18 am
by Gerry
I found this in the Commander X16 Quick Intro FAQs for Setup by Voidstar:


While the inexpensive "under $10" SNES gamepads do work - I've found that a lot of them might only partially work on the X16. Specifically, for a great many of them, the SELECT button seems to be interpreted as always being pressed. For this reason, we can't point to a single SNES Gamepad vendor and say use that one. Even the sources that those vendor use might be inconsistent on which ones have issue or not.


This is what I ran into with the first SNES wired Imagegame controllers I purchased from Amazon. I purchased the Scout wireless SNES from the Micro Center and, once charged, works great. I've included pictures so you can avoid the bad ones I got.

This will get us started in identifying bad and good SNES controllers.

Thanks for the help,

Re: Norton Commander for x16

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 4:01 pm
by the_seb
actualy you can fix the select issue by adding a 1k resistor at the right place

quote from stefan wessel on discord
I added a 1K resistor between the left side of R1 and pin 11 on the IC (3rd from the bottom right hand side) and that solved the issue

I tested it myself too.

Re: Norton Commander for x16

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 3:23 am
by mortarm
Before this drags out more, this is the Norton Cmdr. thread. Please start a new thread if you want to prolong SNES discussions. Thanks.