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C256 Foenix "Gen X"

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 7:58 pm
by EMwhite

Site now says shipping Sept 2021 (now).

Anybody in on it I’d have any thoughts / feedback / interest good or bad?

C256 Foenix "Gen X"

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 12:11 am
by John Chow Seymour

On 9/3/2021 at 3:58 PM, EMwhite said:

Site now says shipping Sept 2021 (now).

The website could be a little more clear about the different models and their releases, but, if I understand correctly:

  • What's shipping in September are two models in the new "A2560" line, an MC68SEC000-based version of her existing Foenix U and U+ consoles, as well as the original (65C816-based) versions of the U and U+ which were unavailable for a while.  These will begin shipping in about three weeks (so, late September).

  • The Gen X is still slated for October or November.

Apparently there's also an MC68SEC000-based version of the Gen X in the pipeline, called the A2560X, launching around the same time as the Gen X.  (Both have the slot for a second processor; the difference is the built-in processor is the 65816 on one and 68SEC000 on the other.  Maybe also something different about graphics, I don't know, I'm not a graphics guy.)

And, somehow, a keyboard-case variant.

We're over here arguing about whether the X8 should be allowed to ship or not and she's over there bringing to market whatever 3 or 4 new versions popped into her head this year.

We'll see how these two different approaches play out.  Personally I'm pleased to be in both communities.  (Also, as a music guy, I'm so excited by the idea of having five sound chips in a system that I can program to work however I want, that I am optimistic about the Gen X.  I did indeed put my money in for a pre-order, a few months ago.)

C256 Foenix "Gen X"

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:36 pm
by EMwhite

On 9/4/2021 at 8:11 PM, John Chow Seymour said:

We're over here arguing about whether the X8 should be allowed to ship or not and she's over there bringing to market whatever 3 or 4 new versions popped into her head this year.

We'll see how these two different approaches play out.  Personally I'm pleased to be in both communities.  (Also, as a music guy, I'm so excited by the idea of having five sound chips in a system that I can program to work however I want, that I am optimistic about the Gen X.  I did indeed put my money in for a pre-order, a few months ago.)

Not sure about arguing : ) more like we are overwhelmed with options, vaporware, and experts and the group that does the actual work and invested the actual money is stuck like my family is when we decide to go out for dinner (one person wants steak, one wants Veg, one wants Del Taco).

If you don't mind me asking (about Foenix) what did you order/pre-order and why?  (feel free to PM me instead if you desire).  I've always been a 68K fan, still have my original Macintosh (yes, full spelling) and have a Mac 68030 aka "SE30" but never had the $$ for Amiga or ST in fact my Unix and C programing career started just after I said goodbye to the C64 (for a while).

Is there a fair amount of software or grass roots OS layer and dev tools for an open 68K platform?  Seems to me to be alot more for 65x02 but it's only because I've been paying attention to this space?  I dunno.


C256 Foenix "Gen X"

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 9:49 pm
by John Chow Seymour

So, I ordered the C256 Foenix Gen X, which will come with a 65C816 processor. 

It will also come with a slot into which you can insert cards that Stefany sells that allow to use one of your choice of a handful of other processors alongside the built-in 65816.  I have no interest in other processors and have not preordered one.

I'm a musician and I have been looking for a way to get into chiptune creation more deeply.  I am also an 8-bit era programming hobbyist (not expert, but not a newb either).  A few years ago I adopted an abandoned C64, nursed it back to health, was pleased to find that its original SID was still working and have been learning to program for the SID directly onboard in assembly.  It's fun, but I haven't yet found a workflow that really makes it practical.  I started work on programming my own little compositional utility, when news of the Gen X reached me.

The Gen X will include five different flavors of sound chip:

  1. SN76489

  2. Two Gideon SoftSIDs in FPGA, and two more slots for hardware SID chips (real or emulated)

  3. OPM (YM2151, as a JT2151SA - an FPGA version Stefany designed that also incorporates the amp chip that's supposed to always go with the 2151.)

  4. OPN2 (YM2612, as a JT2612SA - similarly, an FPGA version)            

  5. OPL3 (YMF262, apparently as the actual F262 chip) 

...also a piezo "PC speaker" for what it's worth, heheh.

And, it has a MIDI input (No Output or Thru).  I like MIDI a lot, I've been working with it (even at a binary, programming level) for a long time and know its ins and outs well.  So what I'd like to do is program (in 65816 assembly) a program that will let me route the incoming 16 MIDI channels to whichever voices of whichever chips I want, and assign MIDI parameters to whichever aspects of those chips I want.

I see this as a do-able challenge.  The hardest part will actually be learning to make the graphical interface on the C256, since I'm really ignorant about graphics processing, and the Foenix is not the simplest setup to learn learn on.  I'll likely do it in character graphics.

There is also a tracker (already written) for the existing Foenix systems which should port easily to the Gen X, so while my own MIDI handler is under construction, or if I can't write it after all, I can fall back on the existing Tracker (I don't care for trackers, frankly, but I can use one if that's what's there.)

The five chips and MIDI input are also available on the FMX, but as far as I can tell this is not being sold.  The chip shortage would have forced Stefany to redesign it to bring it back to market, and my understanding is that she decided to move on to her next thing, the Gen X, instead.  

3 hours ago, EMwhite said:

Is there a fair amount of software or grass roots OS layer and dev tools for an open 68K platform? 

So, I've been mostly ignoring the 68k news because that's not my chip of choice. (Stefany has said, however, that it is her favorite CPU.)  I should say, I may have misrepresented the A2560: I don't think it's 68SEC000 is built-in after all, I think maybe it has no built-in CPU but the 68SEC000 is the card that it comes with (swappable for other CPU cards). 

The Foenix systems have not yet involved a 68k CPU, the forthcoming models will be the first to have any flavor of the 68k series.  For this reason, the already-developed software all 65816 based.  One big project that everyone's trying to make a push for right now is a C-based Kernel that can be compiled for any of the potential CPUs; there's a team working on that one.

There are other works in progress.  A member named 'vinz67' is working on porting EmuTOS for any of the supported 68k series.  Another user named 'gadget' is working on her own OS, aiming to be usable by any of the CPUs.

So I guess the short answer to "is there a fair amount of.." is "No, not yet."  Or at least, not specifically by the Foenix crew; how compatible existing 68k homebrew material would be, is beyond my knowledge.

C256 Foenix "Gen X"

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 12:21 am
by EMwhite

Awesome amount of detail.  Thank you for taking the time.

 I too have an interest in electronic music but for me it’s a combination of 70’ Moog Modular and a vintage ‘76 mini plus some marginally new (80’s) Early MIDI so I’m onboard and maybe we can collaborate on something.

What I’m challenged with is finding a way to place a preorder/order for the GenX so please share.

As I mentioned in the other thread, I had a pool of a few hundred $$ that I’ve constantly been draining and adding to, reserved for the X16.  At this point, I believe this platform will be a good one while we all wait to see “how is it going to end”,  - Truman Show

C256 Foenix "Gen X"

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:12 pm
by EMwhite

I went ahead and bought a C256/U Rev B. + the SID / Ethernet add-on.  Despite the base having a Gideon SID built in, I'm a sucker for SID and will pry SIDs out of my unused SX-64 and 128 then code a multi-SID tracker using 3 'SIDS' as a first project.

Took a very long time to get through the web site / options, Discord threads, Twitter feeds, and many (but not all) of her marathon videos dating back to the earlier products.

Stefany is a one-person wrecking-ball with undeniable experience when it comes to HW design, knowing how to get fab done, sourcing parts, etc.  She only cares about two things... everything Foenix ("being able to produce cool f'ing sh* that will inspire people") and being able to pay rent a distant 2nd.  Commentary about not worrying about where she will be in x years is hilarious and she has a number of really talented people delivering incremental piece-parts code etc.

Mostly, she seems to really have great instincts about what not-to-include and why not to go down a particular path, this sometimes paralizes group-think and design by committee efforts. 

Similar to @John Chow Seymour, I'm still watching what is going on here, but Foenix has already shipped and is going to ship the latest efforts in the next few weeks; it's just too appealing to pass up so if you haven't been there (understandably, it takes a fair amount of time/effort to read it all), have a look at the C256 or the A* if that platform appeals.  Based on the experience I'll probably be signing up for the Gen X. also once it gets closer.  The 68K and enough resources to code in C "for fun and for profit" will be very appealing down the line.


C256 Foenix "Gen X"

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 5:27 pm
by EMwhite

Just ordered a 'shield' for the wall mount of the 'C256 U' which is on order.  As some of you likely know, I mount as much of what I own on a plywood wall.  This will eventually take the place of my beloved Corsham Kim One clone.

Had to back into measurements via 3d model so there is a 50/50 chance that the panel will be the size of a postage stamp or the dipswitch hole/text does not line up.  "Measure once, see what happens". (I can always turn it into a designer keychain).  Hopefully, I'll have it in my hands by VCF East.

More later...


C256 Foenix "Gen X"

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2021 12:27 am
by EMwhite

If anybody is interested, C256 Foenix released the A2560K (keyboard version) today.  68040 goodness in an Amiga 600 style looking case with so many ports, well ....

Watch he VCF East vid for the unveiling below @  2:30:00 into the video.  If you want the full Foenix update, backup about an hr.

Here is what it looks like:

And here is the vid (again, ffwd to 2:30:00 if you are not interested in the other parts)


C256 Foenix "Gen X"

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2021 12:30 am
by EMwhite

If you are anti-twitter, here is what it looks like:


C256 Foenix "Gen X"

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:36 pm
by Kalvan

I'm still a big fan of the number pad, but otherwise, not bad.  It looks like the late-80s Dell or Zenith Data Systems MSX Turbo-R machine that never was but woulda-coulda-shoulda been.

Uh, does Madame Allaire have plans for the blank key between Z and left Shift?