8-Bit Guy controversy

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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by markboston36 »

On 10/3/2020 at 1:09 PM, codewar65 said:

I'm behind David 1000% on everything said here. Thanks Perifractic for posting this and putting this to bed.

ignore the haters. 

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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by markboston36 »

i would never attempt half the things that David does. A friend of my grandfathers who worked on TV's in the 50s killed himself trying to repair one. He touched the wrong thing and got electrocuted. One of my college professor's who worked on the UNIVAC had a bolt of lightning shoot out his nose from trying to repair a tv.

Even really really really smart people make mistakes we are human not perfect. 

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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by BruceMcF »

On 10/23/2020 at 1:33 AM, markboston36 said:

ignore the haters. 

Haters gonna hate. Even if facebook algorithms train more every day, it's unlikely to affect target market of people who see the CX16 and go,  "wow, cool! ".

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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by rje »

On 10/3/2020 at 9:40 PM, TomXP411 said:

Personally, I think blowing up a piece of gear is a rite of passage. If you haven't blown something up, yet - you aren't trying hard enough.

Quite so.  Been there, done that.

Bruce McF and Taylor Swift got it right.  Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate hate.

Corollary: hackers gotta hack hack hack hack hack hack.

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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by BruceMcF »

On 10/4/2020 at 11:37 AM, Cyber said:

True. The only ones who never blow anything are the ones who are never doing repairs in first place.

Programmer: "What an outrageous attitude you hardware guys have! It's important to take care with these things!!!!"

{Runs new assembly language code, it crashes the first 16 runs until all the typos and incorrect logic has been cleaned up.}

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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by Cyber »

2 hours ago, BruceMcF said:

Programmer: "What an outrageous attitude you hardware guys have! It's important to take care with these things!!!!"

{Runs new assembly language code, it crashes the first 16 runs until all the typos and incorrect logic has been cleaned up.}

Very true.

As a programmer I got used very much to just compiling and running my code only to see if there are any errors. Even simple ones.

But when I got into electronics and burned a few chips, I realized how careless I am. I have to double check everything before turning it on.

Also I learned that in old times (around 70s) people wrote their programs on terminals without possibility to run, compile or even syntax check. Instead you postponed your code in a queue and waited hours for a server to run your program. And only then you will either receive program output or an error.

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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by xanthrou »

I wish I would be there to cheer David up. Yes, what he did was a mistake, but this is how we learn, this is what the learning expierence is. People just don't get it. ?

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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by xanthrou »

On 10/4/2020 at 7:01 AM, Perifractic said:

Right, as I think David said, the only people who get nothing wrong are the people who do nothing.


Whilst I can see the perspective of some people about some of the things, with nearly a million people having lost their lives from this terrible pandemic, abusing somebody because of an old metal screw is frankly preposterous. Some people need a reality check.



I agree with you over a million times here.

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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by EMwhite »

This thread has been around for a while but I just now read it end-to-end.

I had an account on bnl.gov (Brookhaven National Lab) hen I was. teenager (a friend of a friend's Dad was a physicist on site and gave me a Unix account).  I was 16, he was crazy to have done it.  I'd get fired at my current company for 1/10th of that act.

One of my favorite motd's was "Beware of programmers with screwdrivers".  I used this as part of my signature when I was on Panix in NYC in the 90s.  It directly applies to David, I think.

Once you get to even 100 subscribers, one of them is going to object to something that you say or do.  Adrian from '*basement' often says "if you didn't like this, you know what to do..." and many others say "I know, I know, before I get dozens of commenters say xy-zed...".

My view (I'm old enough to live in an active-adult community so...) is that David is an uber-talented SW developer and has a passion for history, curating 8-bit everything, developing content... but (here it comes), hardware is not his thing.  I've seen him solder, use a dremel, etc.  HW is just not his thing and I'm literally laughing as I type this.  But he gives so much to the community that he's bound to have a misstep.  With full disclosure, I did not watch the video in question or the response (I don't have that much time left so have to pick/choose how I spend my time). : )

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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by Jakebullet70 »

David can blow up what ever he wants. Paper clip? I have no issue. (Done that myself) Cut a computer in half and I will smile, laugh and cry with you.  We are all here to have fun and learn and if people have an issue with that then do not watch the channel. Keep it up David. You are doing just fine.  ?


If you do not see any flak... Your not on target!