Border option

If you have feature requests, this is the place to post them. Please note your idea may already be something we have already discussed and decided against, or something we are working on privately, and we cannot be held responsible for any similarities in such instance. Whilst we cannot respond to every suggestion, your idea will be read and responded to where possible. Thank you for your input!
Posts: 1760
Joined: Tue May 19, 2020 8:49 pm

Border option

Post by TomXP411 »

27 minutes ago, iljitsch said:

From my first post I asked for a border option. And yet I find people coming out and saying an option they don't have to use is a bad thing.

Flashing a custom firmware is unlikely to be a good solution because it will very likely cause incompatibilities with other software.

Adding a border, especially as an option would require additional 6502 and FPGA code. Since the design of the FPGA is now finished, there's simply no chance that the team is going to add new features. So pushing for the option be added is fruitless, as it's not going to happen. 

If you want to have an "I like colored borders" discussion, which is fair, then let's have that discussion. But as a feature request, this is going nowhere. 



Posts: 25
Joined: Thu May 27, 2021 4:38 pm

Border option

Post by iljitsch »

Well, unless this project will end up a huge failure, there will be a second version/revision, so a border option can be added then.

But if feature request aren't going to be considered anyway, why not close this part of the forum for the time being?
