A video this time! If a short (and silent) one, but a video nonetheless!
Here I'm showing off pattern navigation whee! It's nearly complete - there's still some note save bugs, but I squashed many of them. What isn't shown is scrolling left - right now you can only scroll right and otherwise have to reload the editor to get back ? I'll fix that, I just ran out of time this evening. Likewise, I'd like to have tab work for scrolling faster through the channels.
As you can see, 25 channels is a lot! I'm not sure if the final version will have 25 or if I'll cut down the number of PSGs and do some sort of dual voice solution. Purists won't like that I"m sure (wanting to have the option to fully exploit all channels) but it does add some benefits like making it easy to do "supersaws" as instruments. As I plan on trying to use the Concerto synth engine still, this may not be that big a deal to worry about (with the trade-off being decoupling of channel vs voices). I'm also not sure if DPCM will remain as I'm worried it might be too CPU intensive to really be viable in the way it would be used in the tracker. I'm not sure on that one yet. I'd love to have it for some NES style DPCM drums and things.
Fortunately, that's not something I have to think about in depth today and more on that at a later date I'm sure.
I will fully admit the code is starting to get a little, erhm, artisanal? I'm going to need to clean things up some and add comments, organize variables, etc. so I might opt to consider that before I jump into the save/load functions but those are definitely next on the list once the UI is at a minimum viable state.