3 hours ago, rje said:
Oooooooh.... how about SD2IEC with a Wifi SD card? ?
Why? The user port will be the same speed, since it's all software controlled. So you might as well just bit shift through the User port and run an external ESP32.
3 hours ago, rje said:
Oooooooh.... how about SD2IEC with a Wifi SD card? ?
1 hour ago, TomXP411 said:
Why? The user port will be the same speed, since it's all software controlled. So you might as well just bit shift through the User port and run an external ESP32.
4 hours ago, rje said:
Why use a Wifi SD card? I might be wrong, but it sounds like it grants the X16 a file system that's network-accessible.
Imagine the fun, there. One of my Rpi Zero W's can monitor the SD card's file system, proxying requests to the web in an astonishingly slow -- but fun -- fashion. Network access, through a proxy, with none of the dangers. Holy crap, my Traveller game won't need to store the galactic map -- it's all on the web, and now I know how to get at the web from the X16. That's a game changer
11 hours ago, Lorin Millsap said:
Not needed as there is an integrated SD card which is orders of magnitude faster than SD2IEC. No sense in implementing a fast loader for legacy devices when firstly it can be done in software for the cases that need it, which realistically will be rarely.
14 hours ago, m00dawg said:
The idea seems to be, given the SD card is at the back of the computer, that one won't be removing it from the X16 all that often. But for active development, that could happen _a ton_ and likewise for sharing content made (you know like tracker files, demos, etc.) one will have to yank the card.
Swapping SD cards is not really the same as swapping floppies. I mean, the human side of the action is the same, but SD cards seem less happy about it. Maybe it depends on the quality of the SD card, but it seems less happy than cartridge swapping, which I assume is designed around heavy plug-unplug use. SD cards are designed to stay where they're put, with a minimum of swappage.