Re: A little musical demo to show off the R42 BASIC additions
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 11:22 pm
I wanted to post this here and make it perfectly clear this is NOT MY CODE. I added print commands before
each FMPLAY, FMCHORD & FMDRUM so I could kind of see what was happening as I heard the sounds.
I'm finding it useful and I think I'm getting a little glimmer in my aged brain.
It noticeably but not disastrously slows the the tempo a little..
each FMPLAY, FMCHORD & FMDRUM so I could kind of see what was happening as I heard the sounds.
I'm finding it useful and I think I'm getting a little glimmer in my aged brain.
It noticeably but not disastrously slows the the tempo a little..
Code: Select all
110 FOR I=1 TO 7
120 FMINST I,50
130 NEXT
135 FMINST 0,24
137 DATA 0,"V0RV0RV0RV0RV0R"
140 DATA 0,"O3G>CE",4,"L16T90O3","CDEG>",4,"O7","C<GED"
150 DATA 0,"O3A>CE",4,"O2","AB>CE",4,"O6","AEC<B"
160 DATA 0,"O3G>CE",4,"O3","CDEG>",4,"O7","C<GED"
170 DATA 0,"O3A>CE",4,"O2","AB>CE",4,"O6","AEC<B"
180 DATA 0,"O3A>CF",4,"O2","FGA>C",4,"O6","FC<AG"
190 DATA 0,"O3B>DG",4,"O2","GAB>D",4,"O6","GD<BA"
200 DATA 0,"O3A-C>G",4,"O2","A->CE-G",4,"O6","A-GE-C<"
210 DATA 0,"O3B->FG",4,"O2","B->DFA",4,"O6","B-AFD<"
220 DATA 0,"V48RV48RV48RV63RV63R"
290 DATA -1
300 READ L
310 IF L<0 THEN GOTO 380
313 IF L>0 THEN GOTO 320
315 READ A$
317 FMCHORD 1,A$
319 GOTO 300
320 READ A$,B$
325 COLOR 5,0:PRINT "FMPLAY 0,";A$
330 FMPLAY 0,A$
340 FOR I=1 TO L
341 COLOR 1,0:PRINT "FMDRUM 4,35"
345 FMDRUM 4,35
347 IF I=2 OR I=4 THEN FMDRUM 5,39
348 COLOR 5,0:PRINT "FMPLAY 0,";B$
350 FMPLAY 0,B$
360 NEXT
370 GOTO 300
380 RESTORE 140
381 COLOR 1,0:PRINT "FMDRUM 5, 46"
385 FMDRUM 5,46
390 GOTO 300