I've had this version of Flappy Bird done to this point for well over a year now.
Due to life reasons, I had to drop out of the X16 scene for quite a while, but I've got the bug again, and decided to dust off this old code and finish this game for the X16. It was written for R31 so a _LOT_ changed since then, and it's been quite a headache refactoring all of the various bit shifts into the various VERA registers, but it's back to the point where it compiles and runs correctly, so I should be able to start making forward progress again, and if I stick to my guns and stick to writing sloppy non-project-worthy code, I should be able to have a playable version soon.
However, if my TYPE-A self wins, I'm going to spend the next 2 weeks refactoring the code into modules and different C files, etc, and have lots of work done with no visible progress in the game. LOL.
Anyway, I wanted to go ahead and put this back out into the community that I'm working on this, and I may even do a YT video going through the code, or at least a dev vlog or something.