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Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2021 6:22 pm


Post by Herriot2 »

Can some one tell me how to use sprites please (I know this seems (and probably is) like a noob question and sorry if it is.

But please help?

Posts: 913
Joined: Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:45 am


Post by SlithyMatt »

You need to store sprites somewhere in VRAM (just as you would define tiles) and then reference them in the Sprite Attribute Registers (https://github.com/commanderx16/x16-docs/blob/master/VERA Programmer's Reference.md#sprite-attributes) that are mapped to VRAM from $1FC00. You will also need to enable sprites by setting bit 6 in the DC_VIDEO register that is mapped to main RAM ($9F29).

I am going to be making a video about this in a few weeks, but until then you may want to catch up on the underlying concepts of development that I lay out in my YouTube tutorial series: 

Of particular relevance, past the introductory concepts of assembly programming, are episodes 9 ("Hello, VERA") and 12 ("Tiles"). Using sprites will be an extension of that.

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2021 6:22 pm


Post by Herriot2 »

4 hours ago, SlithyMatt said:

You need to store sprites somewhere in VRAM (just as you would define tiles) and then reference them in the Sprite Attribute Registers (https://github.com/commanderx16/x16-docs/blob/master/VERA Programmer's Reference.md#sprite-attributes) that are mapped to VRAM from $1FC00. You will also need to enable sprites by setting bit 6 in the DC_VIDEO register that is mapped to main RAM ($9F29).

I am going to be making a video about this in a few weeks, but until then you may want to catch up on the underlying concepts of development that I lay out in my YouTube tutorial series: 

Of particular relevance, past the introductory concepts of assembly programming, are episodes 9 ("Hello, VERA") and 12 ("Tiles"). Using sprites will be an extension of that.


Thank you very much I'll certainly take your advice. Peter


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