8-Bit Guy controversy

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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by rje »

I (accidentally) blew up an LED and a 2N2222 last week, during the arctic whoosh in Texas when we lost power.

It was refreshing (the blowing up of electronics bits, not the arctic front).



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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by x16tial »

Just because something is rare doesn't mean it's valuable.  Funny how certain people will bash David, but then I don't see anyone clamoring for the other identical machines.  According to a post on another of David's videos, from someone claiming to have worked for IBM, the machines were most likely prototypes and were very likely bricked at IBM when they were rejected for full production.  So all this nonsense, in the end, will be about him "destroying" something that was already non-functional.

The comment I'm talking about is by "LAO SpeedWagon" on this video:

I just re-watched David's video on the machine and had forgotten that he went back to Computer Reset and they tried powering on the other 4 machines, 3 of which were dead just like the one he tested and 1 had video corruption and wouldn't boot off disk.

David also noted that they were probably prototypes for these reasons:

No serial numbers

Hand written part numbers

No signs of use

No other information available on the web.

1 had a different monitor

All corroborating LAO SpeedWagon's comment.

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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by SlithyMatt »

4 hours ago, x16tial said:

The comment I'm talking about is by "LAO SpeedWagon"

It's so cringey seeing people pile on top of David more under that comment saying, "Why did he delete comments? Too sensitive for criticism?" Not enough faces in the world to palm.

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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by Jakebullet70 »

On 2/23/2021 at 7:02 PM, rje said:

I (accidentally) blew up an LED and a 2N2222 last week, during the arctic whoosh in Texas when we lost power.

It was refreshing (the blowing up of electronics bits, not the arctic front).



Yeah, if you do not fry something every so often you are not trying hard enough...  ?


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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by Ffin72 »

On 2/25/2021 at 4:15 AM, Jakebullet70 said:

Yeah, if you do not fry something every so often you are not trying hard enough...  ?


So very true, if I had a dollar for every piece of kit that I damaged I'd still be massively out of pocket ?

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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by xanthrou »

On 10/4/2020 at 7:01 AM, Perifractic said:

Right, as I think David said, the only people who get nothing wrong are the people who do nothing.


Whilst I can see the perspective of some people about some of the things, with nearly a million people having lost their lives from this terrible pandemic, abusing somebody because of an old metal screw is frankly preposterous. Some people need a reality check.



And things get even worse as Russia starts an invasion on Ukraine, yet some people are still angry at David for a mistake that's repairable. 

Yeah, some people do need reality check.

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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by Yazwho »

"11 months later"...

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8-Bit Guy controversy

Post by TomXP411 »

Ok, I think this topic has honestly been talked out as far as it can go. I'd rather not see this come up in another 11 months... 
