1 hour ago, StephenHorn said:
I tested it on vanilla r37 by unpacking the r37 zip into a folder, unpacking my zip into that folder, then running the emulator, doing LOAD"X16-SPIRAL.PRG" and then RUN. Since it doesn't depend on any particular bugs (or bugfixes) or optimizations, it should work just fine on the r37-optimizations branch as well. Is there any way to open the emulator's debugger so the program can be stepped through and memory inspected?
That's something I can add to the web emulator. Would that be accomplished by passing '-debug' to the emulator during startup, or would anything additional need to be done ?
For testing you could bring up the javascript console, go to the main.js sources and put a breakpoint on line 67 ( after var emuArguments are defined. then reload (f5 or reload icon the page) Once it breaks, you could paste "emuArguments.push('-debug')" into the javascript console window and then continue execution. I will run the emulator with out the optimizations, and see if it's related to those.