computer monitor?
computer monitor?
The first pic is using 1:1 scaling
the second is 4:3 (or “aspect ratio scaling”)
This monitor is 1680x1050, so the 640x480 image looks pretty good scaled up. I also happen to run the text interface on this system at 640x480, and the picture looks perfect - the edges of the text are sharp, and there are no obvious scaling artfacts. My Ultimate 64 also looks great on this system; it also looks fantastic on my 54" 4K TV.
This is not to brag about my great monitor - I'm just saying that modern hardware does a much better job than the ones made just a few years ago.
computer monitor?
4 hours ago, EMwhite said:
I haven’t actually dug into the software yet. I just finished the PiDP-11 build a few days ago, and I’ve set that aside until after I finish a few other projects.
computer monitor?
18 hours ago, TomXP411 said:
The first pic is using 1:1 scaling
This is so handy! What model is this?
I know that this features is just the monitor software (or should i say firmware), so it should be possible to implement all kinds of thing. For example, looking at this 1:1 picture, it would be great to add 2x zoom to this. Thus every source pixel would occupy 4 pixels of monitor (1 pixel -> 2x2 pixels).
Would your monitor surprise me doing that? )
computer monitor?
10 hours ago, TomXP411 said:
I just finished the PiDP-11 build a few days ago
This is rad!