Hello! My name is Damian, I'm a 47yo Graphic and Web Designer and Front-end Developer from Madrid, Spain (though I was born in Argentina). I have a 16yo son.
As a lot of you, I started with BASIC on a TI 99/4A aged 11, then on a Commodore 64 my father bought us. I also made a few things on a Timex Sinclair 2068 that my cousins had, and played on a friend's Commodore 128, and then an Amiga 500. Later in life, when I was around 20 I bought a second-hand Mac Plus, and I've been a Mac user ever since (kind of like Adrian, from Adrian's Digital Basement, I've have almost no PC contact, except in the professional space).
I saw this project on the 8-bit Guy's channel, and was really happy that it got traction, because I've been thinking of something similar for a long time.
My idea was called "Maelstrom Color Computer" and I even made a logo for it:
But I also wanted to make a retro-computer with BASIC and instant-on features that included a case with integrated keyboard, in the line of the Home Computers of the 80's. The thing with this is that everything related to plastic injection is so expensive that I think it's highly improbable that such an idea can be made in the hobby scene. So, I'm just happy that this project is alive, and will follow it with great interest.
Since I never learned to program in assembler for the Commodore, I'm interested in learning this time around, so I'm watching the videos by Matt Heffernan, and found the Easy 6502 site. I hope I can learn enough and make something interesting.
I want to specially praise the work done by Perifractic with the logo, since I find it wonderful. I like it more the more I look at it. Kudos!
Other than that, I can say that a few years ago I learned how to solder and taught myself a bit of analog electronics, enough to build my own guitar pedals (I already built around 35!), and I'm designing my own guitar pedal circuit (a combination of booster and overdrive). And also recently bought a Resin 3D printer and I'm planning to use it to help me create my own pinball machine, using the Open Pinball Project platform and guides. It's a long and difficult project, but I'm really excited about it.
I invite you to visit my site (it's only a single page with a Javascript animation, but I think you guys may appreciate it): https://damianvila.com
And if you want to know a bit about things I made in the past for other projects, I made a little page with a few of these works, that you can see here: https://damianvila.com/hodgepodge/ or go to my Dribbble account: https://dribbble.com/damianvila
Thanks, and sorry for the lengthy introduction. See you!