What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by Strider »

1 hour ago, RetroCode said:

That also has the "Jumbo Demo" available, which is what I played on the PS4...

Have it installed. Just have to give it a try. I overlooked that option when I was on the page earlier. lol

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by RetroCode »

Nice one! Enjoy ?

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by desertfish »

Started in Spooktober I decided to replay several horror (or scary) games. Currently I am in the progress of playing the Dead Space series againon the PS3.   Am half way into DS2 now.

Before that I was playing the Witcher 3 but I put that on pause for a bit ?         If I want to relax or don't have much time I find myself coming back to a few levels of Tetris Effect on the PS4 as well

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by Matej »

Entropia Universe scifi MMORPG

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by Cyber »

Heroes of War and Money (Lords of War and Money) - online game based on Heroes of Might and Magic V


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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by codewar65 »

Civ VI is the only real modern game I still play. I used to be sucked into the whole MMORPG genre for years and have left, as it's all gone Asian-Easy-Mode pay-to-play with lockboxes, microtransactions, and no story.

I've recently moved off of Windows and have adopted Linux. The Bad and the Good?: Fewer games and a target rich environment for game developers. Same with any platform that gains popularity.

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by AndyMt »

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by Doigt »

On 11/8/2020 at 11:34 AM, Strider said:

 Lastly, been looking at DQ Builders on Steam as something my wife and I could play together, the only thing that's stopped me is price. Hate paying that much for something I am not sure we will like. I am a fan of the Dragon Warrior/Quest games in general, all the way back to the NES originals.

At last, another DQ fan! Man that's a rare sight these days. When I talk about DQ I always meet with eyes full of questions from those unaware and eyes full of judgment from those who know what this series is. DQ is one of the greatest jrpg series out there, especially up to five in my opinion, although the monsters games were pretty good too. I looked at the gameplay of DQ builders and I was a bit disappointed tbh. I can do all of that in Minetest for free with actual crafting and building with simulated lego blocks... not to mention many are already on minecraft. I like the concept of "what happens if the player accepts King Dragon's offer" at the end of DQ I, but I don't think that style of game suits best that idea.

BTW, if you're into game medals/trophies/achievements/etc, you may want to check out retroachievements.org which has achievements for all DW/DQ games on both NES and SNES. BTW relevant to DQ Builders haha: https://retroachievements.org/achievement/79698

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by John Chow Seymour »

I'm currently playing through The Outer Wilds and I absolutely love it. No combat, all exploration.  You travel around a tiny solar system in your wooden spaceship, and try to find out how to save your species from an exploding sun.  The spaceship and jetpack controls take some getting used to, and the environment can kill you until you get used to it, but that's part of the fun. 

I like puzzle games, so some of my favorite games of the past decade include The Witness and English Country Tune.  But The Outer Wilds doesn't have discrete puzzles, it's not like you ever have to solve a puzzle to unlock a door.  It's more like, the whole solar system is a giant puzzle you have to figure out by looking around everywhere and learning about the world's backstory.  It's just such a polished, well put-together game.  I'm playing it on PC but I think it's also on some consoles.

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by Strider »

On 11/8/2020 at 5:37 PM, desertfish said:


There are a lot of horror based games I like, including Dead Space, that was a great game. My all time favorites being the Resident Evil series, follow by just about anything with zombies. The most modern being the Dead Island Remasters and Dying Light.

On 11/12/2020 at 5:01 PM, Matej said:

Entropia Universe scifi MMORPG

I have not heard of that one. The last MMORPG I played was Maplestory 2 with my family (before it shutdown). But we have played others and may go back to a few, mainly Elder Scrolls Online. My wife really likes them.

On 11/12/2020 at 11:05 PM, Cyber said:

Heroes of War and Money (Lords of War and Money) - online game based on Heroes of Might and Magic V


I used to love the Might and Magic series, but have not played anything recent. We're talking 80's and 90's, (DOS, Sega, TG-16, etc.). I sort of moved away from modern "turn based" games in general.

On 11/12/2020 at 11:08 PM, codewar65 said:


While I enjoy city builders and sim style games, I have never played anything in the Civ series. Again, a style of game I have moved away from in recent years, mainly due to time constraints.

The pay-to-play/win micro-transaction model used by so many MMO's these days always bothers me. It always has to some degree, but over the past several years it has pushed me much further out of the genre. 

If it was not for my gaming and love of Direct X, I would have moved to Linux long ago. I simply have no desire to give up my game library and dev/driver support. It's enough of an issues on Windows a lot of times, let alone an OS most mainstream devs seem to not take seriously, and I wish they would. Leaving Windows behind would make me a happy man, I have run dual boot (Win & Ubuntu) many times, though right now I am not doing so.

On 11/13/2020 at 3:08 AM, AndyMt said:

Hah, I own it, wanted it so bad, but have NEVER actually sat down and played it. I really wish there were more hours in the day.... lol

19 hours ago, Doigt said:


Many people say their favorite RPG games of old were titles like Zelda or Final Fantasy, it was Dragon Warrior for me. Yes, I loved the Zelda and the FF games, but DW/DQ are what I really enjoyed, and still do.

I have now tried DQ Builders, via their demo on Steam, and it looks like something my wife and I might be able to enjoy, maybe ... it's all about how much time we have. The building is a bit weird, you can tell it was made for console style controls (and I only play on PC these days), but I like the stories. So I am still on the fence about it, especially at the $60 price tag, or even $30/$40 on sale. Maybe one day we will take the plunge.

I have seen Retro Achievements before, but yet again, not enough time to really peruse things like that. The story of my life, never enough time. lol

12 hours ago, John Chow Seymour said:


I used to enjoy games like that as well, exploration and puzzles, I loved "Mist" back when it came out. The most recent game in that genre I played was "Lifeless Planet". A very cool game with a cool story in my opinion. Just wish it was a bit longer or more difficult, I completed it in just over 4 hours.


I know I am sounding like a broken record, but I have far too many games to play (or at least try), then I have time available to me. So most of the "new" games I am trying or playing are those in franchises I already know and enjoy, ones I play with my family, and indie-retro style games like 198x, Odallus The Dark Call, Oniken, SanctuaryRPG, Bloodstained, and River City Ransom Underground (just to name a few). You see a theme there? haha


A classic geek & family man who enjoys all things retro! Computers, hardware, games, electronics, etc. Expert at nothing, professional hobbyist, and old-school blogger!
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