Rules, Privacy, and Terms Of Service

Rules, policies, and procedures for using the forums. We'll update this from time to time as things change or it becomes apparently we need to adjust the rules for a specific case.
Main Administrator
Site Admin
Posts: 167
Joined: Sun Feb 27, 2022 12:43 am

Rules, Privacy, and Terms Of Service

Post by Main Administrator »

Hi, we want the Commander X16 forums to be a friendly and fun place, so we don't want to have to make a ton of rules. Regardless, there are times where it's necessary.

By using our services, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

This agreement applies to everyone using the service, regardless of venue.

  • Commander X16 Community is this website ( and and its associated websites and services. The community team includes the individuals identified as staff, moderators, or owners of these services.
  • 8-Bit Productions is the business name of David Murray, also known as The 8-Bit Guy. 8-Bit Productions is the creator and seller of the Commander X16 Microcomputer.
  • Commander Computers, LLC is the business name of the corporation developing, manufacturing, and distributing the Commander X16 Computer. This site is not owned by CCLLC, although we have received money from CCLLC to fund our operations. (This is how we can provide these services to you without advertising.)
Our services include this website and forum, the Discord server, /r/CommanderX16 Subreddit, and any other social media channels operated by Commander X16 Community.

There are some social media channels that we do not operate: the Facebook Commander X16 Prototype group, the account, or other accounts not identified above.

  1. Comment With Kindness: Treat all others with respect, even if you disagree with someone. Everyone has feelings, so please respect them, even if someone is frustrating or annoying.
    1. No derogatory comments regarding religion, race, disability, or sexual identity.
    2. No derogatory comments regarding public figures or companies, including intentional misspellings of names. Comments with "funny misspellings" of company names will be removed without warning.
    3. No OS or platform wars. (Windows vs Linux vs Mac, Android vs iOS, or anything about social media.)
    4. No politics or religion.
  2. Respect Copyright: We do not allow distribution or links to pirated media of any type, including discussion of tools used for piracy or downloading media in violation of another site's Terms Of Service.
  3. Regarding clone systems: you may build and discuss homebrew X16 computers here. You may not sell or distribute computers, plans, or kits without permission from Commander Computers LLC.
    • The Commander X16 is not an Open Source computer. KERNAL and BASIC is still under Copyright and owned by Cloanto
    • FPGA cores and emulators fall under this rule. You can distribute an emulator or core, but you may not include the X16 ROM.
    • Commander Computers LLC is happy to negotiate a license for the right to make Commander X16 clones. Please contact us through the forums or Discord to discuss the details.
    • It's fine to talk about other homebrew or kit computers, although we ask you not to use our site as free advertising for any commercial venture. (Feel free to ask a moderator if you're not sure.)
  4. Upload Only Your Own Stuff:You may upload Commander X16 programs in the file section. You may not upload programs for other computers or any other unrelated media. You may only upload products you have created or which you are specifically permitted to upload (ie: you are acting as the publisher with a written agreement, or the product is public domain or under a permissive license.)
  5. No Spam: This means anything that would be called "spam" in the vernacular, including things like pharmaceutical sales, sites with "naughty girls", gambling, and basically anything most people would delete without reading.
  6. Nuisance behavior: We reserve the right to remove content that is annoying, repetitious, or otherwise disruptive to the community. This includes suspension or banning of any person who does not respond to requests to stop the annoying activity. In other words, don't be "That Guy". You know That Guy. He's the one who...
When acting on a post or message that violates these rules, actions may include a warning, editing of a post to remove offensive content, removal of the offending post, temporary suspension of an account, or a permanent ban of the account. Attempting to evade moderation decisions or evade bans, including creating an alternate account, is prohibited and will also result in a ban of all accounts involved. We're open to discussion if you disagree with a decision, but our decision is final.

Our policy only governs discussion that happens through our sites and is not legal policy for the use of Cloanto or Commander Computers intellectual property. So regardless of whether you can talk about something here, permission to do something with Cloanto or Commander Computers' property can only be obtained from them.

Other Terms and Conditions
Section 230 Notice: [url=\47 U.S.C. § 230[/url] applies to everyone using this site, regardless of where you are. If U.S.C. § 230 is nullified or modified in any way by local law, then may only use this site if you voluntarily and permanently agree to the provisions of U.S.C. § 230 and these rules.

This forum collects certain personal information in order to operate. This includes your chosen pseudonym, e-mail address, and other contact information as provided in your forum profile. The IP address from which you signed up and from which you post each message is also collected for anti-spam purposes. You must maintain a valid e-mail address to continue using this forum. Due to the potential for abuse, the use of any mechanism to hide your IP address is prohibited.

We will not share your personal information with anyone, except for the following circumstances:
  • To comply with any law or court order which is valid in the State of California or the United States of America.
  • We may contact you regarding operation of the forum, Discord server, or other Commander X16 Community functions.
  • We may share your email address with 8-Bit Productions for administrative purposes and continued management of the Community's operations.
  • You may be given the opportunity to subscribe to an e-mail list for the purposes of marketing the Commander X16 and other services and products by 8-Bit Productions or the Commander X16 Community. Mailing lists are maintained independently and are not part of this privacy notice.
This forum also uses cookies. Cookies are used, for example, to remember your identity and allow you to visit the forum in the future without having to re-enter your password. The use of cookies is required, and using the forum signals your acceptance of use of necessary system operation cookies.

These rules and terms are subject to change at any time; you may use the "subscribe topic" function of this forum (click the wrench icon under this post) to receive a notification of updates to the rules or terms.
Posts: 1802
Joined: Tue May 19, 2020 8:49 pm

On Brand

Post by TomXP411 »

When we say "on brand", the meaning may change a little, based on the context, but the intent is this:

Things that are on brand for this forum are:
  • Anything related to the Commander X16. The purpose of this forum is to promote the X16 and to provide support for its users
  • Retrocomputing in general: this includes content related to the Commodore 64 (as part of the inspiration for the X16), Atari 8-bit computers, Tandy TRS-80, Apple (1 and II), Altair 8080, any CP/M computer, IBM PC, XT, AT, and compatible computers, and so on.
  • Video gaming: obviously, the focus here is on mid 80s and earlier style games, since that's what the Commander is good at. However, we also enjoy arcade games, modern PC games, and console gaming.
  • Things related to the 80s TV, Movie, and music scene.
The kinds of things that are not on-brand for this forum would be advertising for anything illegal, gambling sites, drugs (legal or not), sports betting or fantasy sports sites, advertising for retail stores, and so on.

There will be times where something is an edge case, such as someone developing a retro style game that targets the PC or modern gaming consoles. That's going to be largely subjective, but if the person posting the link has apparently joined for the specific purpose of advertising their product, we'll probably reject the post. If the person has been around, contributed to conversations, and happens to mention his personal project once or twice, we're likely to keep it.

Yes, this is subjective, but we'll never be able have a perfectly objective policy regarding spam and advertising, so I think this is the best we'll do. If anyone has a problem with the policy, the admin team would be happy to talk about it and see if we can accommodate your needs. We are just a DM away, and we are here to help.