I'm currently porting the game Omega Race to the Commander X16. Its WIP source is available here: https://github.com/calmsacibis995/OmegaX16
Any feedback would be highly appreciated, especially for anyone who is interested in diving into my design choices regarding video modes, supported controllers, etc.
Omega Race for the X16
Forum rules
This section is for testing Commander X16 programs and programs related to the CX16 for other platforms (compilers, data conversion tools, etc.)
Feel free to post works in progress, test builds, prototypes, and tech demos.
Finished works go in the Downloads category. Don't forget to add a hashtag (#) and the version number your program was meant to run on. (ie: #R41).
This section is for testing Commander X16 programs and programs related to the CX16 for other platforms (compilers, data conversion tools, etc.)
Feel free to post works in progress, test builds, prototypes, and tech demos.
Finished works go in the Downloads category. Don't forget to add a hashtag (#) and the version number your program was meant to run on. (ie: #R41).