"Hello, World!" with cc65

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"Hello, World!" with cc65

Post by SerErris »

Using vs code the first time in my life. I agree the make process will most likely work. The run portion also need something that I can call an external program and using a parameter (e.g. what is the PRG file from the makefile? I can potentially create a small ps script and populate it, as it will contain always the same prg file and I always could call it run.ps1 or something. That should do this trick. 


What do you use for atom syntax highlighting of the ca65 assembler in Atom?

As VS Code is anyhow just another Atom clone I might want to go the opensource route... 


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"Hello, World!" with cc65

Post by SlithyMatt »

You can set the PRG name in the makefile to whatever you want.

The language-cc65 package is what you want for Atom.


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"Hello, World!" with cc65

Post by SerErris »

It is just the extension .. it does not really live anymore .. (the github page does not exist anymore) and is pretty much outdated. You even need to download a very old .net integration to get it running at all. And you cannot change the name of the .prg file - it needs to be named as TEST.PRG.

So I will now switch as well to Atom as I hope that it is better customizable (e.g. more open or at least easier).

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"Hello, World!" with cc65

Post by sebassco »

Have you thought about using the WSL? You can install the extension on VSC and use Ubuntu on Windows, so I think you won't need a VM and could directly use that extension for building/compiling.


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"Hello, World!" with cc65

Post by SlithyMatt »

24 minutes ago, sebassco said:

Have you thought about using the WSL?

WSL would definitely work, too, pretty much the same as it does on plain old Linux.

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"Hello, World!" with cc65

Post by SerErris »

I do not see any reason why I should need to build for X16 on Linux if I am Using. The whole Toolchain exists on Windows. If you want to use Linux - that is great and everything works there. But if you want to use Windows then WSL is just something to enable you to run Linux - which was not the idea in the first place.

I now have done a setup with Atom as VSCode does not have any proper syntax highlighting I can easily change. I still need to do the build and run integration. I have not done that as I currently working on the source. After I have something to compile I will try to build the integration (which should be really nothing than a caller script to make and CC65).

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"Hello, World!" with cc65

Post by geek504 »

13 hours ago, SerErris said:

But if you want to use Windows then WSL is just something to enable you to run Linux - which was not the idea in the first place.

After fiddling around with Atom and VSCode I reverted back to my trusty old emacs (both Windows and Linux). I did not like installing Cygwin nor Mingw so I installed Debian WSL and got my nice bash with all the useful tools. cc65 is a nice debian package and I can run the X16 emulator from my Windows installation just fine. I use Makefile from within emacs and version control with the old diff & patch tools. Slim and quick.

I also came to an epiphany... I don't actually like cc65 due to its C-stack implementation. It causes inefficient code.

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"Hello, World!" with cc65

Post by desertfish »

30 minutes ago, geek504 said:

I don't actually like cc65 due to its C-stack implementation.

What do you prefer instead?

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"Hello, World!" with cc65

Post by Jestin »

36 minutes ago, geek504 said:

I use Makefile from within emacs and version control with the old diff & patch tools. Slim and quick.

I recommend this approach, especially if you ever plan on developing with others.  Choose whichever editor you like (I use vim, so am obviously deeply offended by the mention of emacs here), but keeping the building separate from your editor is the key to working well with others.  Makefiles are tried and true, and you can find editor plugins to run them for you, if that's what you want.  This way you can switch out your editor easily if it doesn't suit you, but your build system remains the same.

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"Hello, World!" with cc65

Post by geek504 »

5 minutes ago, Jestin said:

I use vim, so am obviously deeply offended by the mention of emacs here

I use vim too... I don't discriminate ? I use nano and pico to edit unix config files when I'm too lazy to install vim. I reserve emacs for *real* development ?

All I need now is a console-based X16/6502 debugger... I am seriously considering converting my Apple ][ text-only emulator into such debugger... xdb

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