Yes, the home page changed a little. I finally got rid of the scraped CMS code from the old site and replaced it with 100% handcrafted artisanal HTML/CSS.
For now, the page is optimized for desktop only. We'll be making more changes shortly to make the home page look better on mobile. Since we want to keep things tight and tidy, the site is 100% hand crafted, with no code generation or site editor tools. If you have HTML/CSS/JS experience and want to help by adding some responsive design, feel free to reply here. We'll have a GitHub set up soon where we can accept code contributions.
We just ask that all contributions be handmade: no frameworks or code generators. Why? Because that's the 8-bit way. =)
-The management
Yes, the home page changed
Re: Yes, the home page changed
I'm sorry, but it seems to have a problem with Unicode with non-En(US) setting.
The copyright symbol and the trade mark symbols both displayed improperly.
Re: Yes, the home page changed
I'm also seeing this trivial cosmetic defect, and an 404 error.
It looks simple to fix, but I'm not complaining or in a rush fro a resolution. I've learnt patience while waiting for release hardware
It looks simple to fix, but I'm not complaining or in a rush fro a resolution. I've learnt patience while waiting for release hardware
- Attachments
- X16 frontpage.png (36.81 KiB) Viewed 5156 times
- X16 Forntpage 2.png (33.65 KiB) Viewed 5156 times
- Frontpage 3.png (32.65 KiB) Viewed 5156 times