Odd observation after CTRL-C a BASIC program in DevBoard

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Odd observation after CTRL-C a BASIC program in DevBoard

Post by Xiphod »

For the DevBoard, a set of BASIC samples are included. All great examples!

After load and RUN the sample, after a bit I then did CTRL-C to break out of the BASIC program. Then I can do LIST to list the BASIC program - sometimes LIST fails, since I guess there is other stuff left on the row and it ends giving a SYNTAX ERROR. Just depends on when you do the BREAK.

But the main thing is, when I do RUN again, that seems to always fail. I'll get dropped back into some kind of assembler/monitor portion of the system ROM.

Not saying this is an error - just was unexpected to me. Granted those samples are fairly sophisticated BASIC programs. They load and run just fine - it's just after you BREAK out of them (like to revise or examine), it seems I can't issue a subsequent RUN.
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