Seeking Connections

Post here to find code monkeys, artists, musicians, and other help for your project.
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Joined: Tue May 19, 2020 8:49 pm

Seeking Connections

Post by TomXP411 »

This forum is a place for people to connect and find other artists, programmers, musicians, and designers who can help with their projects:
  • People who want to develop a game or other software project who need designers, coders, artists, musicians, or writers. 
  • Designers, coders, artists, musicians, or writers who are looking to work on a project. 

Examples of things you might post:
I have a nearly completed game, but we're using placeholder artwork. We are looking for a pixel artist who can help make sprites and animations for our game.
I would like to hire a musician to compose 8 original songs for my game's soundtrack.
Looking for sound effects artist for game in development. 
I have a finished product on another platform, and I'd like to port it to the CX16. Can you help?
I have a complete pen-and-paper RPG, and I'd like to build it as a computer game. I'm able to take an active part managing and leading the project.

Examples of things not to post:
I have a vague idea for a game, but I don't really know how to do this. Can you make my game for me?
I have an idea for a game where a guy jumps around and squashes turtles and mushrooms. I need programmers, artists, musicians, and level designers. (ie: I have no skills and want you to do all the work.)
These are great ideas, but there's a separate forum for suggestions and requests

You can also see the corresponding topic on Discord: #seeking-connections
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Nov 01, 2022 10:36 pm

Seeking Connections

Post by Mattgames175 »

if anyone wanna hire a game artist for the x16 i got your back

Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Mar 16, 2023 3:09 am

Re: Seeking Connections

Post by c64c46c »

If someone has an idea for a off-platform toolchain utility and don't mind it being coded in Perl, I'd be interested in helping. I figure there's a lot I can learn by leveraging what I already know (which is literally nothing related to x16 :).
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