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FYI, the next emulator release will also support booting to a cartridge, via a special "CRT" file format for x16emu and box16.
The tentative file format is this:
00-01: 2 byte ID string. (TBD, possibly "XC")
01: Major Version Number. $01. Incremented for breaking changes in format.
02: Minor Version Number: $01. Incremented for minor, non-breaking changes.
32-255: 225 bytes for bank info
0: None: Data not present in file
1: ROM: Data is present in file. Bank is read only on emulator.
2: RAM: Data is not present in file. Bank is read/write.
3: NVRAM: Data is present. Bank is r/w
4: Empty NVRAM: Data is not present in file.
256-end: Data. Each "present" bank has 16384 bytes. Not Present banks are skipped.
NVRAM Data will be saved back to an NVRAM file; this is emulator dependent and the format is not guaranteed.