X16 MIDI Player

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Joshua Bair
Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2020 3:31 am

X16 MIDI Player

Post by Joshua Bair »

Commander X16 Midi Player

Usage: LOAD "x16player.prg"



[MIDI Filename].MID

Midi file must be located in the same folder as the x16emu.exe emulator.


  1. Channel Volumes

  2. Midi Notes

  3. 6 String Guitar Fretboard

  4. 4 String Bass Fretboard

  5. 5 String Bass Fretboard

+) Next Channel (Guitar/Bass Only)

-) Previous Channel (Guitar/Bass Only)

ESC RUN/STOP) Exit Player

Known Issues:

Not all MIDI events are supported.

Pitch Bend not 100% accurate.

Fixed pitch bend logic.

X16 MIDI Player
X16 MIDI Player
x16Player6.png (4.46 KiB) Viewed 794 times
X16 MIDI Player
X16 MIDI Player
x16Player5.png (4.36 KiB) Viewed 794 times
X16 MIDI Player
X16 MIDI Player
x16Player4.png (4.55 KiB) Viewed 794 times
X16 MIDI Player
X16 MIDI Player
x16player2.png (5.15 KiB) Viewed 794 times
X16 MIDI Player
X16 MIDI Player
x16player.png (4.43 KiB) Viewed 794 times
X16 MIDI Player
(15.17 KiB) Downloaded 129 times
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