how to command line load prg located in sd image

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how to command line load prg located in sd image

Post by vthyng »

I am setting up shell files to auto load specific programs and the only way I could find to do this for programs in sd images seems inefficient.  I have to have an extracted version of the files and the sd card image connected.  Or I could just have the extracted version and make sure I am in that dir when running x16emu.  Is there a way to tell x16emu to load a specific PRG from the attached sdcard image?

This is what I am using:

WORKS: x16emu -sdcard ~/x16_media/wars4_3/wars4_3_sd.img -prg ~/x16_media/wars4_3/WARS.PRG -run

WORKS: cd ~/x16_media/wars4_3 ; x16emu -prg /home/vthyng/x16_media/wars4_3/WARS.PRG -run


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how to command line load prg located in sd image

Post by kelli217 »

If the program you want to run is on the sdcard image, you can try renaming it to 'AUTOBOOT.X16'.

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how to command line load prg located in sd image

Post by TomXP411 »

I think @kelli217 has got the right answer, here. Naming the program AUTOBOOT.X16 will start it up automatically, and then you can leave out the -PRG argument. 

Another way to do it is to extract just the initial PRG file and run that using the command line parameter. Even better, your initial program could be a dummy program that just loads and runs the main program on the SD card. 

A while back, I wrote a little menu demo to show how to do a clean load (rather than a chained load) from BASIC. That might help.



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