On 10/25/2022 at 7:22 AM, ZeroByte said:
Actually, Flappy Bird specifies its own VRAM map so the official R39+ changes to screen memory didn't affect it. I did do some direct dips into the Kernal's BRAM vars (which is explicitly discouraged for exactly this reason) and I guess I should go fix this once and for all....
Thanks for the explanation. Perhaps you could elaborate on approach/rational of your own VRAM map and calling Kernel BRAM. That would be insightful.
As for the BRAM calls, yes fixing them properly now will avoid you having to fix them again later if things change.
? An aside, perhaps you could put in a toddler mode/skill level in the game? Splatting birds on the first wall really wasn't fun. Perhaps I'm just too old for the game.