3 hours ago, AndyMt said:
Argh - the "emscripten" base for the webassembly doesn't build on 32 bit raspberries ?... Can someone please provide me with the actual web-emulator files:
ex16mu.data x16emu.html x16emu.js x16mu.wasm webassembly/styles.css webassembly/main.js
and maybe what's needed to mimmic the "try now" button?
You can get the webassembly assets here https://github.com/sebastianvog/x16-emulator/releases/tag/1.0.0-beta.4
Extract that to a folder and run a local web server using this folder as root directory (for example running python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 within this folder )
Now you should be able to run the emulator with http://localhost:8080/x16emu.html
To load a PRG, you need your apps assets in a folder and a manifest.json file (for example in your current version looks like as generated https://www.commanderx16.com/emulator/40-brixx/manifest.json )
If have your game files in a brixx folder and also put the manifest.json in there, you should be able to launch the game in a browser with:
If something in the emulator startup doesn't load the javascript console might give some insight, if a file/path was not found.