Fractal Mania
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Fractal Mania (fracman) is a Mandelbrot and Julia Set generator/explorer, written in 6502 assembly language. It uses 320x240x256 color mode, supports mouse and keyboard input and if an sdcard image is attached, will cache each plotted image to disk, so that the user may go back and forth, among the generated images. These images are currently only available for that session, but a future version will allow reloading of previous session images. Iteration support is from 16 to 256 and the slightly modified color pallette may be shifted by 16 places per each use of the command key. Help screens are available at program start and by using the 'H' command key. To speed image generation up to a snail's pace ?, fracman draws every other column, the other columns can be drawn if desired. Thanks to those in the CX16 community that post/have posted code, demos, videos, tutorials, etc., without which, this program would not exist!