New community dev tool uploaded: Vera Graphics Converter

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New community dev tool uploaded: Vera Graphics Converter

Post by ZeroByte »

Feature suggestions:

When I'm looking at the converted version of a set of tiles, the display defaults to using the 0 offset in the palette. You can click a tile and change this per-tile, which is great, but if you want to change several of them this way, then it is tedious when you could just select several tiles and change the value once for all of them.

Also, when doing a sprite sheet, it would be nice if you could re-arrange the order of the individual sprite blocks and/or omit some from the export. (I'm working with an animation that was clearly designed to be multi-sprite, and the sheet ends up having the frames of each "sub-sprite" interlaced with each other when it would be nice to re-arrange them w/o having to edit the source image.

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New community dev tool uploaded: Vera Graphics Converter

Post by johnzo »

Wish I could get my hands on the source for this tool; this is a super great start but is crashy and really needs some TLC.

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New community dev tool uploaded: Vera Graphics Converter

Post by Elektron72 »

10 hours ago, johnzo said:

Wish I could get my hands on the source for this tool; this is a super great start but is crashy and really needs some TLC.

Found the source here:

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New community dev tool uploaded: Vera Graphics Converter

Post by johnzo »

nice!  in the meantime I found Aloe Vera ( which got my graphics pipeline unstuck...

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New community dev tool uploaded: Vera Graphics Converter

Post by Sandmage »

The master branch on github already has a patch for the crash. I will provide new binaries when I find the time to work on this again. In the meantime, the crash can be avoided by opening the settings dialog before exporting.

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