If it's industrial equipment, it might be 5v tolerant, since voltage drops with longer cable runs ... it would be fortunate if that was true, so you only have to convert voltage on the input lines.
I'm not sure what you mean there... the Altairduino runs on an Arduino and requires a MAX232 chip in order to convert TTL to RS-232. Likewise, the Commander X16 will require level converters when connecting to basically any 32-bit microcontroller, since most are not 5v tolerant. The Raspberry Pi definitely is not.
I'm not sure what you mean there... the Altairduino runs on an Arduino and requires a MAX232 chip in order to convert TTL to RS-232. Likewise, the Commander X16 will require level converters when connecting to basically any 32-bit microcontroller, since most are not 5v tolerant. The Raspberry Pi definitely is not.
I wasn't talking about the Altairduino, I was talking about the RS-232C to Ethernet box. The spec range of RS-232C is +3V<Logic0<+15V and -15V<Logic1<-3V, so if it's a direct connection, it would tolerate a very simple level conversion circuit.
I wasn't talking about the Altairduino, I was talking about the RS-232C to Ethernet box. The spec range of RS-232C is +3V<Logic0<+15V and -15V<Logic1<-3V, so if it's a direct connection, it would tolerate a very simple level conversion circuit.
A max232 based shifter with pre-soldered DE9 is like $3 on Amazon...
TheMAX232is anintegrated circuitfirst created in 1987 byMaxim Integrated Productsthat converts signals from aTIA-232(RS-232) serial port to signals suitable for use inTTL-compatible digital logic circuits. The MAX232 is a dual transmitter / dual receiver that typically is used to convert the RX, TX, CTS, RTS signals.
The drivers provide TIA-232 voltage level outputs (about ±7.5 volts) from a single 5-volt supply by on-chipcharge pumpsand externalcapacitors. This makes it useful for implementing TIA-232 in devices that otherwise do not need any other voltages.
The receivers reduce TIA-232 inputs, which may be as high as ±25 volts, to standard 5 voltTTLlevels. These receivers have a typical threshold of 1.3 volts and a typicalhysteresisof 0.5 volts.
Yeah, those are like $15 for 5 units, and it's a complete, self-contained unit. So rolling a custom solution doesn't make a lot of sense, when modular solutions are cheap and easy to install.