Hello everyone!
The last week I've been working on a program that loads a BASIC program from a text file.
After some (or a lot of) fiddling I finally got it to work.
Some notes on the source file format:
There are no line numbers in the source file
Instead you define labels on lines you want to jump to with GOTO or GOSUB
Labels must be defined at the start of a line, but it's OK to have leading blank spaces
A label must start with one of the letters A-Z. The following characters may be A-Z or numbers 0-9
The symbol table stores the first 12 letters of a label
Line breaks are marked by a single LF or CR
The work flow:
You edit the source file on the X16 using X16Edit or any other available editor
Store the source file on the SDCARD
Load the BASIC loader program, and run it
Enter the source file name
Type RUN to run the loaded BASIC program
Enclosed is a video showing this work flow.
I need to do some more work on this before publishing.