I booted up DOSBox and installed Compushow just so I could get the image to show with original text. I made an animated GIF out of it so browsers will show the text - no modern tools seem to support the feature.
1 hour ago, Fnord42 said:
I think we are missing the true elephant in the room here. What we should really worry about are people/websites that call short video files "GIF" when they are in fact something else (like MP4 for example). That is just wrong, and they deserve bad things happening to them.
38 minutes ago, desertfish said:
Because “gif” is just a regular word in Dutch (meaning: poison), I cannot pronounce it any other than that word /χɪf/. Definitely not “Jiff” ?
Pronunciation is definitely going to vary depending on one's native language.
I recall a tagline I used to see regularly on BBS message boards and relay networks: "Choosy perverts choose GIF" (which works because of a series of commercials in the US [at least] that used the tagline "Choosy Moms Choose Jif", which they completely botched recently in a promotion with giphy). ?
It's interesting (not surprising) that we were so fond of GIF files at the time as being such high quality when there are so much better solutions available today. Progress marches on.
3 hours ago, Scott Robison said:
Pronunciation is definitely going to vary depending on one's native language.
9 hours ago, BruceMcF said:
perhaps it was z80 assembly language.